Thursday, May 24, 2012

More on soaking...the How.

Some of you have emailed to ask how exactly do we soak nuts, seeds, grains, legumes?

The basic method is as follows:  Pour your nuts, seeds, grains, or legumes into a large bowl or jar and cover with enough water to cover over them.  You can use plain filtered water, water with a pinch of salt or some lemon juice.  If you have it, water kefir is an excellent medium for soaking.  Soak for 30 mins to a few hours (for grains), and 7 to 24 hours for nuts and legumes.  When you soak it for longer than a few hours you may start to see the first sprouts coming out which means the food is coming alive.

After soaking, make sure you discard the soak water.

For grains and legumes, drain them and cook them as your would normally do.  For nuts and seeds, if you are cooking or blending them, you can just drain them and cook/blend them as usual.

If you want to eat the nuts and seeds crisp, drain them and spread on a stainless steel pan. Place in a oven and warm (preferably at 100 degrees but no higher than 150 degrees), turning occasionally, until dry and crisp, making sure they are dry all the way.  If the minimum temperature of your oven is at 200 degrees then leave the oven door open a crack to keep the temperature lower.  You can of course use a food dehydrator instead of an oven if you have it.

Yes, it takes a lot of time and effort, but nuts are wonderful food provided by Nature, and it is a pity if we do not prepare them properly such they can give us the maximum nourishment.  Many people have told me raw nuts and seeds bother their stomachs, and that they could not eat very many of them without starting to feel uncomfortable and stuffed up. But once they started soaking and dehydrating them, they found they could handle them very well. 

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