Saturday, May 12, 2012

How's your frequency?

Years ago when I came back to Hong Kong from the U.S., the first thing people said to me as a greeting is “Have you eaten rice yet?”  This is the equivalent of saying “How are you?” or “Are you well”?  Back when there were wars and famines, telling people that you’ve eaten (mostly rice then) informed them that you are doing well.  I never knew how to answer that question because, for one thing, where I am, there is no war and famine and people are eating all the time and eating way too much; and for another thing, I don’t like rice.  Not that I have anything against rice per se, but the refined white rice (which is the stuff served in restaurants) is not only devoid of nutrients but also tastes oh so bland.  But many restaurants are now serving brown rice.  Are they healthier?  Sure.  But like all whole grains, they need to be soaked before cooking and I wonder who does that in the restaurants, if at all.  Well, you don’t need to worry about pre-soaking refined white rice, they are pretty much dead anyway.

Now back to where we began.  In the old days, having eaten means you are well.  For us lucky ones in the developed world, our generation has advanced quite a bit from those days when we were just concerned about putting food on the table.  What does “being well” mean to us?  Wellness does not need to be only the absence of hunger.  Or sadness.  Or disease.   Wellness is more, a lot more.  Every thing in this universe is made up of one thing, energy.   And so are we.  So basically we are just energy.  And as energy we vibrate at our own frequency.   Vibrational frequency is the rate at which something vibrates. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer it is to the frequency of light. Everything we do, every word we speak, every thought we think sends out a vibration that attracts to it an experience of like vibration.   When we shift to a higher, fuller frequency we affect ourselves and the universe in a positive way.  

How do we do that?  By choosing positive thoughts, by being loving and kind, by putting live whole food into our bodies.   And what is live whole food?  It is food as nature provides them, not something manufactured in a lab. It is raw food, or food that is heated below boiling point to retain its vitality.  It is live organic whole food that is pre-soaked and pre-sprouted in order to ignite their lifecycle, remove indigestible physic acid, and activate their enzymes.

So the next time you greet someone, ask them: “How’s your frequency?”

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